Tuesday 30 April 2013

Living her dreams without fear

Sthembiso Sithole


SABC Digital News
Journalist, Hasina Gori
 It is often said that dreams do come true. When something is meant for you no one can take it away from you. Like most journalists, Hasina Gori once had a dream to be in the world of news and today that is a reality.

As she grew up in the city of Pietermaritzburg before moving to the heart of Zululand, Empangeni at the age of 10, this 25 -year -old knew that one day she would be something big in life. Once she starts talking about the things she has done and the love for news, one can’t stop her from talking.

She began her story by defining her childhood and what it meant to her.As I listened, she seemed relaxed and ready to answer all the questions that I spend hours preparing.  “Growing up around adults meant I grew up with a greater world view and maturity than people my age, But I was still a curious kid who loved following stories and events.”

Most kids her age at that time never concerned themselves with news or reading newspapers but for MiZz_haSiNa as she is known on twitter was always ready for a challenge. “My interest in journalism, I think it has been with me from a young age.  Watching the way people would pause their lives to watch the evening news daily or hush their family to listen to the news bulletin, I think I realised that it was something I want to do.”

It is often said in journalism that, you have to hustle your way up to get your name and work know. Her story reminds me of how I hustled my way up in the media industry. She said; "Journalism is a career that doesn’t pay in cents and notes but pay in bylines and a feeling of purpose.”

Usually when I do interviews with sources, they often look serious and want to leave a good impression for me to write good stuff about them. Well, for“Crazy Hasina” as her colleague Sipho Kekana described her, she was spinning the chair and playing with her legs as I conduct the interview.

I was surprised when she told me her education background. “I started studying Medical Science at University of Zululand, but changed after a semester to Psychology and Communication Science at UNISA in 2009. After completing my undergrad I did my honours in Journalism at Wits University in 2011.” With two qualifications on her shoulders, it was time for her to look for a job and that was one of the daunting tasks she had to face.

After her hard work and building her name on social networks, she finally got a job at the SABC Digital News as a news writer and News Break reader. She took a deep breath as I asked her about some of her career highlights working in digital media. “My career highlight was when I was assigned to cover the court case of blade runner Oscar Pistorius, the social media ‘junkie’ said.

She was in the midst of both local and international media tweeting from the Pretoria Magistrate's Court.  

As the saying goes; all good things come to an end. I could see from her eyes and gesture that this future ‘Al Jazeera war correspondent in Africa’ wished she that she could have had more time to reveal more of her future aspirations. Unfortunate I had another appointment. Oh, yes she is a nice person with passion for what she does.

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