Thursday 10 May 2012



The Protection Information Bill has made every South African citizen and the world at large talking about the proposed bill.

 As a budding media scholar, I have read and heard what the ANC ruling party has to say about the bill and why they believe it should be included in our constitution. I share the same sentiment with Youth for African Media for their views and hard work about what many regarded as a secrecy bill.

YAM is a student organization aimed at promoting good governance, access to information and fighting against any attempts to thwart media freedom and the rights which are enshrine in the Constitution.

The ANC government is trying to hide information from us South African citizens about the things that are taking place internal and external. That is why they even went an extra mile to propose that one might face a 15-year jail sentence if found to have acted in contravention.

The issue of the matter is that, this bill is not in the public interest but it is taking South Africa in the dark era of Apartheid. This means that no one will have access to government matters, including the misuse of fortune.

That is way I was and still one of those in the forefront against this secrecy bill.
On the 19 October 2011 I was one of those who celebrated the Media Freedom day.  FACEBOOK:
“Power to MEDIA FREEDOM, Power. Viva media houses viva. Today I am celebrating MEDIA FREEDOM DAY. Please join me by posting your comments, expressing your views about this proposed secrecy bill. Power to journalists and their editor’s power. Expose corruption, Expose!"

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