Friday 21 October 2011

Part 2: Democracy and the Scramble for Libya's Oil & Economy

Sthembiso Sithole
@sitholesthe/ Sthembiso Sithole on Facebook

 Muammar Gaddafi's killing after his over 40-years of rule has been met by celebration in Libya and abroad, but this was just the first phase of change as the second phase with the west probably stepping in more is beginning today. It's still unclear how the anti-Gaddafi forces, who were descibed by the media as disorganised at first, received so many weapons to carry out such a large scale operation, but that's all in the past now - the ones that helped them can celebrate, but I'm certain they won't be resting as they'll be working hard to ensure their interests are well looked after.

The new rulers, the  National Transition Council (NTC), have gone public to express their gratitude to those who assisted. “It is a historic moment. It is the end of tyranny and dictatorship. Gaddafi has met his fate," an NTC spokesperson told AFP.

This shows that Libya has won the power to run their country politically, but perhaps the ordinary Libyan celebrating on the streets will not enjoy all the benefits they think will come with it. The west seems to be planning to take some control and they haven't kept the fact that they want to help a secret.

Libya is rich in oil and just like in many areas where there have been resources in Africa, rich nations often step in under the guise of assistance. Rich nations were also behind the removal of Gaddafi and many are not known for being good Samaritans.

US Senator John McCain told AFP that the death marked the end of the first phase of the Libyan revolution. "The United States, along with our European allies and Arab partners must now deepen our support for the Libyan people, as they work to make the next phase of their democratic revolution as successful as the fight to free their country," he said.

Now this is a senator from a country that never criticised Egypt's Muammar Gaddafi to the point that President Barack Obama delivered his first speech in the region in Cairo. They saw nothing wrong with his
30 year rule until his people peacefully removed him from power earlier this year.

Politics is a game of favours and those who helped the NTC will have to have some returned in the well needed commodity - oil!

It will also be interesting to observe the kind of democracy Libyawill have and who will be in the driver's seat as the new chapter of this country starts.

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