Sunday 26 August 2012


Citizen journalism is still a growing element of reporting news as they unfold through social networks.

In the past traditional media was regarded  as the only source that can inform or report news to the society but through the fast growing technology many citizens have also found themselves repoting news.

Through citizen journalism readers are not only comsumers of news but also contributors as they also use different forms to report news event as they unfold.

In different parts of the world such as South Africa many citizens now use social networks such as blogs,facebook, twitter, google plus just to mention a few  to express their views, opinion and report about anything that they think is relavent or worth dissucssioning.

I must say such platforms have created a huge challenge for journalists as they are not the only ones who inform the community.

 In most cases readers had to wait for late news bulletins or tomorrows edition of the newspaper in order for them to read about the accident or breaking story that took place in that early morning of the day.

Today citizines use their smart phones to take footage of any event of public interests and blog, tweet about it. We have witnessed in the past and even now many media houses rely on citizens to send footage when there are protests or police brutality.

I support citizen journalism because I believe it serve its purpose as it enables the community to participate in news making and decision making on what is in public interest.

According to Fackson Banda in his book Citizen Journalism and Democracy in Africa, he research about citizen journalism. Many people support citizen journalism because it enlighten communities that can identity and articulate tghier issues using available media channels that are owned by the respective communities and the use of information as a form of emepwerment.

He futhurered stated that citizen journalism network should also collaborate positive with all sectors of the community to promote information and knowledge sharing forums which shall contribute to prevent futhuer spread of HIV/AIDS.

According to my view citizen journalism is affecting our career as journalists in a positive way beause we are now working hand in hand with citizens who only consumed news in the past.

I must say the interaction and unity helps the nation to move forward in resolving whatever challenges that the country might be facing.